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Matt Dalby said…
I'm hoping there's lots more crazy shit to come for all you lucky people. I've just spent the weekend listening to excellent music at Rowf Rowf Rowf, AND managed to buy a couple of great poetry books on the way in today. I'd meant to just see what Derek Jarman there was, but it was all stuff I had. So I decided to check the poetry section for Maggie O'Sullivan, though I wasn't hopeful. Anyways, they had both her collection In the House of the Shaman from 1993, and a new bpNichol reader, The Alphabet Game, both of which I've been reading through in between bands, and making journal entries. So after I've slept and got the jobs I have to do out of the way there may be reviews of some or all of the above, probably more journal extracts, and at some point some new work inspired by all of this for sure.

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