tiananmen square links at last

Here are a few resources on Tiananmen Square to get you started, together with some warnings.

This site seems to relate to a documentary about the events, so it's going to be partial, and have other commercial interests at its periphery.

For a clearly human rights motivated view there's this Amnesty resource which is a few years old. There should be some useful links from it.

There are some, who for whatever reason claim that there was no massacre. In one sense they may be right, inasmuch as most of the killing was done on streets away from the square, and it may only have been hundreds rather than thousands who died. There is no question that the government killed, beat, imprisoned, and 'disappeared' many of its own citizens simply for protesting for greater democracy. Still, if you insist, you can see the 'alternative' viewpoint here.

Finally, if you want to join one of the many protests, the mothers of Tiananmen victims have a virtual memorial you can join.


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