stalking bird

British people
shouldn't make movies if
it's going to be
heartwarming shite or
on the cheap. Better
at alien vicious ancient. Images
and stories
upset and haunt you as a
child before
you've even seen them. Art
can do this gather
myths and lies about itself.
Bury in culture
Young girl stood out of car throwing
up with travel
sickness. She probably doesn't
notice how much it sounds
like coughing. You think
there's a special sound to it.
The streets are
paved with glass. I'd tapdance
here by the uni if
my shoes weren't fucked and
I had the moves.
If you still suck your thumb put your hands in the air.
And here we are.

calling. You weren't around.
Stayed inside
A Man Called Horse one
of those cultural dreams
all over your mind
though you've
never seen it.
Flattened foil disc blowing
rolling up the road and through
a puddle. It's steady a long
way till it has
to mount a pavement then
wobbles into the fence
flips and falls. I'm cold
feel no affection
for this island. Atlantic



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