progress on masks and long lankin piece

The only new information on the masks is that the one recently finished is much too small for an adult. It covers most of the head but you look out through the mouth. I will probably use the same mould for future masks and now know how they will fit my head.

The Long Lankin piece is progressing well. I have some photgraphs and scans of notes and sketches ready to post, and intend to take more photos of the current state of the piece.

I have made an approximately two metre high version of the initial sketch posted a short while back from chicken wire foled into tubes. This is not and is unlikely to ever be self-supporting. Instead it is suspended from the ceiling. The chicken wire then has bare branches found on the ground in various locations woven through it.

It is not clear that this will be the final Long Lankin piece even if it succeeds as a piece of work.

The decision to try and work with this form came about from a day of fairly intense concentration on the design. I started by repeating the initial sketch to try and visualise it as a three-dimensional object. That did not work very well so I made a small self-supporting wire model. Even with the addition of a second intersecting form the model was really too pretty and decorative for what I intended. At this stage I thought I would probably not use this form.

The following day it occurred to me that the problem might be one of scale and that the form might look different closer to the intended size. I taped a few garden canes together into a rough approximation of the form. At around two metres high even the skeletal and featureless cane version was far more opressive than the sketches or small models suggested.

Since then I have as described made the main structure from chicken wire and started to weave the fallen branches from three gathering expeditions into it. Already it has a far more disturbing and physical presence that I ever imagined. It is not what I thought it would be and when complete it may not turn out to be the Long Lankin piece but I am pleased with how it looks so far.

That said I'm uncertain whether it actually constitutes a piece of art or just me being absurd. Or whether there's a difference between the two.


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