visual poem boxes

There are now twelve of these, and will be more. The next stage is to think about how to arrange and light these boxes, and also how to tackle shapes like circles where there will be no connection between the central piece and the surrounding card. Some of this is experimentation for the weekend.

There will almost certainly be smaller boxes, possibly with the same images cut into them. This will require finer blades than the utility knife currently being used.

Here are all twelve together:

And most of the others, with only the first two missing (the photo was really shaky).

fj 2 box, draw box, gs box, hair box:

cloud box, vlrr box, fruit box, fh box:

and finally gg box, sj box, cloud box, vlrr box:


richard barrett said…
Love these
Matt Dalby said…
Cheers, I'm pretty happy with the way they're coming on.

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