mill24 - fifth post - sam - 100 word novel

The first of two pieces of writing completed during Mill24. This is a one hundred word novel called Sam.


Sam was puzzled by the living room fireplace. It was never lit. The back was bricked up. Sam wished her parents would light the fire. Across the top of what she thought of as the fireplace gap was a piece of wood. She imagined how it would catch and burn if there was a fire in the hearth. Sam liked the wood itself,which was dry and grey - rough. Parts of it reflected light - ruffled silvery parts of wood grain. She would sit in the fireplace gap and look up at the wood, lose track of where she was.

See my first, second, third, fourth, sixth and seventh posts for further information. See also Graham Dunning and Gary Fisher's live blogs of their participation in the project.


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