new edits to mutapoem

Although there are occasional small alterations mutapoem often goes without change for long periods.

And as I've suggested most of the changes tend to be fairly minor. So today since I hadn't made an edit in a long time I went in and made some major alterations.

If you haven't visited for a while or if you've never contributed go and have a look.

You can make edits without having to sign in - just click the 'Edit this page' button. You can check the history tab to see what changes have been made. You can embed audio and video just by importing the file (although there's a pretty stringent size limit). You can utterly rewrite the poem, or just rearrange a couple of punctuation marks.

It's a lot of fun and it's all here.

Remember the point of mutapoem is that it's your poem and that it's intended to be constantly remade, refined, renewed and changed.


Diane Becker said…
Pleased to see Mutapoem is still evolving. Enjoyed contributing/collaborating some time ago, will revisit!

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