what it sounds like

Weirdly productive day. It started out with the essay below (faster) that felt like it needed to be written, despite the day being so beautiful. The urgency I felt about what went into the essay, and a desire to get outside meant the essay was written really quickly.

I left the house just after 12 and decided on a whim to try and do some audio recording. I could have spent all afternoon recording in town, there were so many fascinating sounds. It was only that there were so many other things crowding in on my attention and demanding I tweet them, and so many ideas for libido, the latest poem in the manchester sequence that had to be written down which prevented me from attempting to record everything. As it was Oxford Road/Oxford Street, Chinatown, and St Anne Square/Market Street provided some amazing sounds.

These will appear on November's CD-R, which is currently untitled but might be called fuck. Or might not be. It depends on how I feel. Two of the tracks I recorded will be used unaltered to open and close the record. Three other tracks will be used a backdrops to sound poems. These are likely to start with coughs and hesitant vocal sounds and develop through libidnal squeals to growls and yelps. Maybe.

The sound of quick footsteps, several languages, traffic passing, roadworks, laughter, music make the field recordings compelling listening for me at least. Anyway, heading out again in a minute.


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