new! improved! conservative bible!

If you have any sense you'll never have read Conservapedia [Caution: Site contains toxic levels of Stupid]. It's the rightwing American wingnut reaction to Wikipedia.

Thanks to Pharyngula (via The Plashing Vole) for drawing attention to their Quixotic project to challenge that bastion of no-good-commie propaganda that is The Bible. Yes, that Bible. Apparently it's polluted with liberal bias, socialist language, and just downright unchristian ideas. In order to challenge this tide of political correctness Conservapedia has embarked on a project to translate the Bible into a more conservative-friendly idiom.

Personally I think this is brilliantly pointless. Certainly there are far more dangerously idiotic things they could do. Rumours that Conservapedia is currently negotiating with the Taliban 'because their policy on drugs, and their attitudes towards women and homosexuals are worthy of serious attention' have yet to be denied.*

* Because I just made them up. But go on, spread the rumour.

Correction 10 October 09: I may have given the impression that Conservapedia is a harmless and amusing joke. Having read entries on Evolution, Richard Dawkins, Homosexuality and Autism it's become obvious the site is full of distortions, innuendo, untruths and carefully phrased bigotry. I strongly recommend avoiding the hell out of it.


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