new links

From time to time I've mentioned science/medicine stories but to be honest that's not really why anyone comes here if they do come here. Somehow I managed to overlook adding any links to the blogroll up to now. So to correct that there are six sites now added that are well worth checking all of which provide further links to other useful science sites. Remember if it's in the news and you think H'm that's a bit odd - and sometimes even if you don't - then the chances are it's bullshit. These guys will help you understand how.

Bad Science - Ben Goldacre in The Guardian, my introduction to this and the only reason to buy the Saturday paper now I don't have a tv. No, wait, his column's online... An especial concentration on how poorly the media cover science.

Gimpy's Blog - More bad science, inevitably with a frequent emphasis on homeopathy and other quackery and woo.

Holford Watch - As the name suggests this site primarily exists to cover the activities of media 'nutritionist' Patrick Holford.

LeftBrainRightBrain - Like any condition autism attract significant amounts of ignorance. LeftBrainRightBrain attempts to address at least some of these.

Quackometer - More bad science. Plus is a particular website or individual home to quackery? Try the Quackometer.

Sciencepunk - Some awesome and funny stuff here.

Like I said there's a whole lot more out there and I strongly advise you investigate it.


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