
Unlikely to be anything much here until the weekend or maybe later. I have a three day training course this week in Bootle, which means horribly long days. Today was the first of those, and the course is bloody awful. Friday I'll want to take a rest, then on the weekend it's Rowf Rowf Rowf, my favourite Manchester music festival. As it is I'd like to be asleep now in order to get up at whatever heathen fucking hour of the morning it is my alarm clock's set for, but I also have some homework to do for the course.

I'll leave you with an extract from my journal for today:

Training was every bit as shite as I expected. Or to be more articulate and a little fairer, it was clear, well delivered, and absolutely irrelevant to anything I want to do. As always, especially on these management related courses, I felt that the starting point is a whole set of values that I simply do not accept. And it does tremendous violence to those aspects of life which are affected by the subject, but not capable of being easily measured, by applying more easily measured but less relevant criteria to them.



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