making stick figure asperger's
I thought I'd take a break from inking episode 4 of Stick Figure Asperger's to have a look at how the comic gets made.
It starts with writing the text. It shouldn't take up much more than a side of A5, and is divided by the six panels of each comic.
In this case there was a lot of unnecessary text that was cut when I pencilled the comic.
In this case there was a lot of unnecessary text that was cut when I pencilled the comic.
The first two panels of the the first half of the comic were challenging. Sections of the first were redrawn twice.
The second panel underwent three versions before I decided on the fisheye lens overhead that I've gone for here.
In fact most of the images here are more complex and ambitious than anything I tried in the first three. I'm trying much more consciously to illustrate the text in a clear way that's identifiable as related to reality, while also capturing a state of mind.
There are also simple things to bear in mind. Such as (unless there's a reason to do so) not having characters looking out of the side of the page.
I mentioned, and you may have seen from the pictures that the text changed a lot between writing and pencilling. And in this case there were also changes when it came to inking.
That inking is only part complete, but this comic may well be ready to post later today.