
Showing posts from 2016

dead media #6 + waspcast #1

santiago's dead media 5 the (moving) pictures generation

island hide revisted

latest santiago's dead media post at patreon

island hide

santiago's dead media 4 evening by the mersey

colour out of space day three review

colour out of space day two review

colour out of space day one review

colour out of space exhibitions review

new dead media title card art

doctor strange review now available to everyone

santiago's dead media #3 dr strange review

...and that new look in full

new visual identity and title cards imminent for the podcasts

santiago's dead media and adverts

sketches sunday 30 october

santiago's dead media 2 - shakespeare

santiago's dead media patron only posts

podcast and tech fun

santiago's dead media #1 - black connection review

santiago's dead waspcast launch announcement

starting to plan next project

drowners - even more thoughts on the script

drowners - further reflections on the script