a day off

I was off work all day yesterday. It wasn't much fun.

It started on Wednesday/Thursday night. I was sweating, barely sleeping, needing to get up and blow my nose frequently, and losing track of time.

And in the moments between waking and sleep there were three distinct things happening in my brain: I was hallucinating a limited sequence of images; I was trying to fit different shapes together; and voices and text jabbered and ran words past me.

The only image I remember is someone standing over me as I lay on the floor.

I don't remember what shapes I was trying to arrange - I have an impression of puzzles, of large, sharp-cornered triangles and other shapes, and of shapes that might fit together to form a globe.

The voices and text were constant, but only individual words got through, most of which I don't remember.

After my alarm went off I had no intention of doing my normal morning exercise, but thought I'd still be able to get to work. So I had a bath, got dressed, had breakfast and left the house.

At which point it all went wrong. I was shaking, unsteady on my feet, and kept losing track of where I was. Literally getting lost on streets I know.

So I went home, called work, and went back to bed. For a little while.

There was more sweating and restlessness, more hallucinations, more fitting shapes together, and more voices and text.

Eventually I was able to get up and almost function normally, though I felt vile.

And around 4:30 I decided to take a walk. I still felt terrible, and I was walking slowly, but it was good to get out.

At least until the coughing fit struck and I threw up a couple of times. At which point I headed home, slowly.

I managed to eat some soup, but I was feeling worse and worse, and eventually went to bed around 9.

And I slept very well. I woke twice, but despite that it was a quiet night and I woke up today feeling great.


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