what next?

So with 28, my month-long project through February, complete, what's next?

As it happens there are both scheduled events/publications you'll hear more of nearer the time, and more self-organised projects.

scheduled events/publications:
March 30

I'm part of several pairs of readers (I'm paired with Steven Waling) at an event organised by Stephen Fowler as part of his year-long Enemies project.

Publication of The Dark Would, the major forthcoming text art collection edited by Philip Davenport. There is both a print edition in which I have two images, and a Kindle edition in which I have further images and an essay on the influences that led to their creation.

Publication of Shrewsbury, a 41-page abstract comic from Tom Jenks' zimZalla press. This was painted last summer in four weeks. Photographs of some early images were posted here. A good primer on just what the blazing heck abstract comics are can be found at Andrei Molotiu's excellent blog Abstract Comics. See also the book of the same name he edited.

self-organised projects
Creating a set of songs/sound pieces based on 28. I don't plan to document this as it's being created, but instead will be looking for a publisher.

A colours of the rainbow photography project. Again, no ongoing documentation, I'm thinking of producing an e-book at the end.

A 24-hour walk with additional art-making. At present the intention is to film something each hour, but as this is in the planning stage that may change.

Later in the year
I want to carry out one project each month for a year, which means through to January 2014, so look out for further news.


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