pig fervour clarification

Oops. Apparently my review of Pig Fervour which I thought was mainly positive came across as much more critical than I intended. For the record, although I was less enthusiastic about it than backyard poems, the rushes, and fragments, some of which is in the latest würm (see previous post), I still think it's a really good collection. I'm also amazed at the amount of high quality work Richard's able to produce with little apparent struggle. If I could write even a quarter as much text poetry that I was actually happy with I'd be very pleased indeed.

Loking back at the review it is a little sharp and a little obscure in places - the waffle about flarf for instance - so for those of you who might be wondering, the important passages are:

'Pig Fervour is still a collection well worth adding to your shelves though. The first poem, the good fortune of being happy in yr work, for my money justifies the (very low) price of admission alone.'

'the collection [is] political, and in combination with
the rushes makes me excited about where Richard Barrett might go next.'

'be prepared for specific words, sentences, parts of poems to return to you at unexpected moments. Be prepared when you re-read the book for certain sections to be suddenly very well-established in your head'

'It's not perhaps the best work Richard's had published this year but as a snapshot of a particular moment in his development it may turn out to be the most significant.'

I hope that's clear now.


Matt Dalby said…
Jesus... I thought I'd been fairly clear. But to reiterate NO ADVERTS. I will remove them. Even if they're very polite.

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