that's better
Just had a quick clear-up of my web presence. My old website on tripod, my personal MySpace, the MySpace for sonic obnoxion machine records, and insult blog have all been taken down and their links removed.
That still leaves a presence on Last FM that I'll leave in place, my Facebook that I'm leaving up reluctantly because it has uses, despite the fact that I've loathed the site since I first used it, my twitter stream, god is a sloth, and of course santiago's dead wasp.
Although there are some things I don't quite like about the templates here I intend to retain this blog as my main site of activity. I will have a look at the new design options available, and may make changes here in the next few weeks or months.
Look out shortly for postings on art activities over the last week, the big clearout of my flat, and a couple of other bits.