field recording - stamping gulls

Although I had a few things to do this evening I still took a diversion on my way home from work to walk on Pomona Island. Which, incidentally, may be in line for development.

I found out too late to join the protests ahead of a meeting in mid-August, but I'll write about it soon. It'll probably mostly be links to better pieces by people who know what they're talking about.

Anyway, I heard a rapid plashing, pattering sound, a bit like rain or water lapping on the underside of something. Actually it was a sound I should have already been familiar with. Nevertheless I tweeted a quick description:

And then tweeted again, regarding the sounds as possibly a very interesting aspect of the whole experience:

And having done that, I decided to make a field recording on my phone. Now, while the camera on this current cheapie handset is shit, the audio recorder's not bad. So below, here's what it sounded like. Along with all the other city noises you'd expect:


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