dream journal 13-14 sept

Another one of these. They are, by the way, only a tiny proportion of the dreams I have.

Why do I bother recording them? I'm not too sure. I know they have no particular significance or meaning. They're just interesting.

I think what I find particularly fascinating are the things that you 'know' in the dream without being told or seeing it, how fluidly you move from one situation to another - often with your knowledge, identity and surroundings shifting at the same time, and how emotional reactions are often disconnected from what's happening.

Anyway, in this one I do my vocal improv/sound poetry/vocal sound art to a crowd of hundreds in the village I grew up in. Which has now sprouted a castle. And... well, listen and see.

Edit: forgot to mention, later today I'll be posting a new urban exploration video. I revisited the Cheetham Hill site to explore the rest of the abandoned plot there. See my previous video from 5 September.


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