final update on icarus preparations

For a couple of days, despite having a melody, an approach to singing it, and a limited set of syllables to work with, the plainsong section has felt aimless.

Today, listening to Richard Dawson's The Vile Stuff the solution became obvious. Don't just borrow the tune of Did The Morning?, sing and extemporise around the actual song.

It explicitly ties the song into the M60 poem's Icarus sections. I want to rehearse a couple more times this evening and tomorrow morning to be sure the sung section fits, and to properly fix the words in my memory. I also plan to play with the piece, to improvise ridiculous things into those sections so I don't lose track of that side of things. I want to be happy with my performance going wrong, going off-track, or just descending into goofing-off.

I may record one of these sessions just for completeness. But there's not a lot of time left now. It's going to be fun performing at full throat for an audience.

See you there. Tomorrow (Wed 19 Aug), 7pm, The Other Room, at The Castle Hotel Manchester.


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