
Not such good photos as the other day. These show what's left of some of the last work I did in October before I left for China.

So, on Pomona Strand I left one of the two clay masks I'd made concealed under blackberry brambles. There are still traces of it. The masks were air-drying clay - I think what's left is mainly the nylon fibre that gives it strength.

Close by were the bushes I'd woven together. They've sprung apart a little but are still fixed in a lot of places. I'm not sure whether to try and re-weave them. It obviously doesn't matter either way.

And finally down by the River Irwell I left the other mask on a bit of mud just over the water level on that day. It would be nice to think the whitish stain in the water there was a last trace of it, but I'm sure after three months it can't be.


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