tamlyn 11 - blog

Just a brief notification that the tumblr blog for a piece I'll be creating for Manchester Art Crawl is now up an running.

It's called tamlyn 11. At present there are only two test posts on the main page - although there are likely to be some further multi-media test posts before it goes properly live on 2 July.

The photo here is from one of the current posts, and is from the phone I now have to enable mobile blogging.

There are also pages linked on the right of the main page featuring my original proposal for the piece, my artist statement, links (which has yet to be updated), and preparation. I'm using the preparation page to document the practicalities of setting up the project.

Edit 10:15

Just tested mobile blogging on this site. But since the post included my phone number at least twice, the image sent didn't show up in the browser we use at work, and the formatting was horrible I've deleted the post.

I may explore further at a later date.


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