pomona strand - part of poem

I've already featured a few section from my ongoing sequence of poems for my MA final semester, which are currently under the collective if unimaginative title of manchester. This latest is one of possibly two sections that will be written and formatted slightly differently from the rest of the poem. It was written yesterday but has been heavily edited since then, and may change again.

pomona strand

you could ask here what
is a building?* docks a built
structure engineering in
stone and fully serviced
once. the boats also
utile fitted for basic living.
misinformation about vaccines on
radio phone-in re-posted in full. so
no accusation of selectivity. copied
after legal chill and crowdsourced
transcript available. bloggers social
networks (twitter etc.) ftmfw**.
nature within the national
park protected but not natural.
characteristic strips up hill-
sides remaining from open field
system superimposed with dry
stone walls and barns. rough
grazing (sheep) above.
grasses mosses low thick trees
bushes creepers a layer of soil. four
herons outside the railings above
the water. paving concrete tarmac
services under soil unseen
except how flat it is.
there are small commercial
plantations the forest of
bowland is isolated clumps
and strands of trees. first
romans then monasteries
deforested here. the settlements
are viking at least their names.
a ruling on the basis that
the word 'bogus' implied
deliberate dishonesty described
as 'legally erroneous'***.
stones were quarried roads
and tracks managed watercourses
bridged moved deepened or
otherwise utilised/interfered with.
in places regular shaped
holes in green access points
opened wires and pipes
removed. metal railings bent
back sometimes displaced by
tree growing through. and back
inland away from the edge areas
wet even marshy. around a
metre and a half above the canal.
had conflated meaning with
whether presented as fact or
fair comment too far in
favour of protecting reputation.

sections of lead removed
from roof of building others
bent or torn. dead cat floating
bloated rotting in canal fur
starting to come away. teenagers
with mini moto. a little
incoherent abuse. layer of
brick inside bridge’s arch.

web users publish details
of legal issue raised in parliament.
stripped rusted car close
to edge by ship canal.
on hill sssi**** and limestone pave-
ment iron age walls ashpit.

* courtesy jonathan meades on portsmouth dockyard
** for the motherfucking win
*** aka chiropractors pwned
**** site of special scientific interest


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