
Was quite ill today although not really sure why. I was convinced from fairly early on that I was going to be sick but wasn't until lunchtime. So not only could I not stay in work it wasn't possible to go to university this evening. Consequently I spent much of the afternoon and evening sleeping or reading and hoping I'll be better by tomorrow. I really really want to be well enough for the text festival.

I did also manage to record two new tracks. One of them called waterpark I really like and may stick on the June CD-R. The other one is called silo and I'm not certain about it. waterpark is dominated by the sound of me fiddling with a contact mic that's about at the end of its life with slightly ropy wiring. There's also a sound toward the end that I know is something flanged and looped but I've no idea what. My misgivings about silo are that it simply isn't subtle or varied enough - maybe if I chop it up a bit. Of course what I should have done was really concentrate on my MA.


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