this is not a love song

I hate this country. I hate the rain and perpetual autumn. I hate its racist, mysogynist, petty-minded bigotry. I hate its sanctimonious hypocrisy. I hate the conviction in some people's minds that Britain's still an imperial power - and that this may be a good thing. I hate sport, sports casuals - a rainbow of grey, blue and white. I especially hate football. I hate that the weekend's a battleground for morons. I hate that anyone with a minor triumph gets praised like they rose from the dead. I hate that the tabloid mindset has to cut them down straight away. I hate the way that anyone famous, especially for being murdered, is seen as everyone's possession. I hate the pretence at public grief. And I hate that it's somehow seen as virtuous. I hate Britain's sentimental philistinism. I hate the prurient obssessive revulsion at minor drug and sexual indiscretions.


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