this week on sdm - dead media 14: archimedes' principle (play) + ender's game (film) comparative review

Another late entry this week. Actually this was published on time over on YouTube, and picked up more views in three days than other, shorter videos I've promoted here on time.

That, and a like, which is still pretty unusual round these parts. Maybe I need more overlong, nonsensical comparison reviews.

I was a little late posting to SoundCloud, though.

But after all that, it's dead media #14: an hour long comparison of Archimedes' Principle, a small play recently on at HOME Manchester, and the 2013 film of Ender's Game.

Declaration of interest: my youngest sister was assistant director on Archimedes' Principle.

too long; didn't listen: Support your local theatre, support new theatre in general. Both have some flaws in the writing. Those flaws (and others) are much worse in Ender's Game, which can fuck right off.

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