matt's big m60 walk - planning the route

More on my walk around the M60 at the end of May covered in my last post.

I've started to use an online route planning tool to... well, plan my route. I intend to do a series of maps covering the route in sections (probably around 6 of them).

The first two are available now - Section one is complete, while section two is just a fragment at present - I'll finish it when I've plotted out the next part of the walk.

Along with a page on the walk's blog providing written directions, including street names, this should be everything you need to follow the route for yourself. Whether you do that at home on your computer, on the ground in sections, on the ground in its entirety, or even decide to join me for part of the walk is up to you.

Edit (and in previous post): I also now have a twitter for the project: @MattsBigM60Walk


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