
Like an older piece, title to go here, this is an an easily reproduced process rather than a poem. Whereas title to go here relies much more on chance, these versions perhaps reveal something new about the original text.

Versions: Percy Bysshe Shelley, To Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin

Version 1: I, you, and us

Mine/I thou/My/thy/I/mine
/ / / / /
thou/thou/ /thou me/I/
my thy/ /thy/thy/my/
We/ / / /Our/thou me
thou/I/thyself thine/me//thou me

Version 2: t

tears/thus thou/ /To thy/they/
To/ /To the the/that//The
thou then/The thou/To thus/thou/ /torture that
thy/thy/tremblingly thy threw/Their/
/ / / /there/thou
thou/thou/thyself turn thine/to/The/the thou


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