i'm sooooo tiiiiiired

Santiago's been busy today. If you head on over to god is a sloth you'll find a couple of new cartoons. And right here you'll notice that he's started to add labels to all the posts - it's going to take a while though, so be patient. 12/5/8 - I've managed to label around 121 posts, so around 100 more to go - ought to be done by the end of the week.

Coming shortly there's news of (and possibly a link to) a new piece for someone else. Before that arrives though, here's a new piece over at vispoets. The commentary on his work for the MA has been completed and printed, along with the final edit of the poems and the logbook - all to be handed in on Wednesday.

Which is a kind of longwinded way of saying that if you're very good there'll be a proper new post here really soon - honest.


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