odd kind of week

So on Monday it was santiago's birthday and he went out for a meal and a drink with friends, then on Tuesday he had half a day off work - but only because he was having a tooth pulled. Still hurts now but it's infinitely preferable to the injections of anaesthetic (nearly passed out) and the four hours or so of numbness in the mouth. The birthday kind of extends though, since santiago don't have a front door and has to collect the mail from his landlords when they're around.

Anyway there are a lot of bits of writing that have been promised for the blog - they're definitely going up tomorrow or Friday. There may even be some snippets from a new experimental kind of piece that's evolving at present. And that really is all I can tell you about it. The point is to stop it coagulating into something recognisible as a story or essay or poem, and it certainly ain't a journal entry. We'll see, it may be a dead end, but it's fun for now.

Work gets shitter and shitter, santiago's starting to look for something new before he just stops getting up in the morning. And that's all for now - as I said, Thursday or Friday for lots of new stuff. See you then.


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