caffeine... buzz buzz buzz

Expect a flurry of blog activity quite soon. Among other things I've been making myself tired by staying up late to write (hey I can't do it in work, and I don't operate heavy machinery, drive, or do surgery, so it's ok to nod off), listening to lots of music and World Service programming, and reading through some of my stack of books. As a consequence, and because most of the writing's either been essays for submission (the programme rolls on), or the script of The Rose Guitar (which is racing on now), I've loads of ideas bustin' to get out. I keep having to make notes in random places every so often otherwise I'll just lose half this stuff.

Among the inputs that are likely to kick off an idea or two I'm reading a book from almost 20 years ago called The Star Raft about China's dealings with Africa over 6 centuries. I may post a review later. I also got round to watching my DVD of Werner Herzog's Fitzcarraldo, there's an essay in my reactions to it... I just have to write the thing. I don't want to go into all the tales around the film's creation though, they're well documented elsewhere. Yesterday finally got round to hearing The White Stripes' Get Behind Me Satan, which I didn't like first time except for a couple of tracks, but by the second time it made much more sense. I think you need to acclimatise, and you'll either get it or not. There's probably not much in it in terms of anything you'll see here except it may spark ideas about mood or theme that appear in poems in the next month or so, I'll let you know.

Also had some further thoughts on Santiago's Freedom Discussion and my symbolic renunciation of nationality. I'll put some of them here, but I don't want to tip a load more stuff on the discussion before anyone's had a chance to join and slag me off. I have to go now, my head hurts.


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