
Having spent a couple of hours recording material for December's CD-R a slight problem with the Mac Mini meant that all but two of the tracks got wiped. Today in work is likely to be foreshortened which means that the two other tracks that would have been used can be recreated. If that's the case then December's CD-R, small, should be available tonight.

Because it's christmas small will be available free of charge. There will only be a limited number of physical copies, but the tracks will also be available to download. More details including how to claim a physical copy later today.

After today santiago's dead wasp will take a short hiatus until just before new year. Basically I'm off to family in Lancaster well away from internet connections from tomorrow until Monday next week. The chances are there won't be much in the way of tweets over christmas either.


Brian said…
This faithful reader is going to miss the near-daily dose of santiago.

BTW: Is it possible to obtain all 12 sound poems for 2009 via PayPal in one order? Do you mail to Canada?

Have a good holiday.

Matt Dalby said…
Brian, thanks for the comment. I've been thinking about what to do now the monthly release schedule's over.

I'm planning to make the whole lot available as sets of three (January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December), sets of six (January-June, July-December) or the whole year.

These will be reduced prices and only available for a short time - probably until the end of March. After that I think I'll make the whole lot available for download.

But to answer your question, I'll update my PayPal probably around December 29, and I'm happy to mail things to Canada at no extra cost. Of course if you want to wait for the downloads you can do that.

Have a good holiday
Brian said…
Good enough, Matt. I'll check back for the available noise after the 29th.



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